Tell us why you like d12. keep the negative reasons for another thread :)
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Hoodlum wrote:
I've been on d12 for a year now. played a lot of games already. still a lot of praise for this place. My top reasons why I love this gaming site.

It's risk. Nuff said.

It's real time and there is always a game to play. There aren't many good live play alternatives anywhere else.

Every game has a result. Win / Lose / Stalemate. Pretty awesome, *I had played real time risk elsewhere, where if someone quit/ over! NOT ANY MORE!

Game Options. 2-9 players / forticication / dice option / Cards option / fog settings / game mode options: classic/sametime/capitals.. WOW, spoiled for choice.

Automatic scoring. Earning points for a win / Losing points for a loss. Great stuff..again I had played elsewhere before where we needed a separate website to manually input scores if we wanted a ranking system, a lot of work..NOT ANY MORE! it's all done for you.

Statistics for everything. Amazing, being able to check your standings between players.

The ranking system. Good incentive to play to win and test yourselves against others. LIKE LIKE LIKE.

Every game is recorded forever.

Variety of maps. Big maps, small maps...I only played 1 map before for so long. Revives the game for me.

Quality maps. Maps are created well with attention to gameplay.

Reputation system. Very unique, to help encourage etiquette and gameplay honor.

It's moderated well. Nothing worse than playing in a zoo for a gaming site. Trust me.

Good staff. In my opinion, every single chosen staff member is well suited to their role. Hard to find a good crew on other gaming sites.

Continuous development. Volunteer programmers are players too, giving us what works, what we ask for!
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
aeronautic wrote:
It takes someone with real experience on other Risk sites to understand what D12 has to offer and until it's seen laid out like this, it isn't truly understandable about the wealth of choice and availability for all.
Nice one Hoodlum ;)

p.s. don't mention the free pie or elysium5 will be first here!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
elysium5 wrote:
I was told there was going to be pie and punch...
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
elysium5 is online.
farspaceplace wrote:
also besides what hoodlum said its comercial free. I wouldnt mind the odd advertising link here and there, but try playing risk on the pogo site and u will see what i mean.
Hoodlum wrote:
Commercial Free

You can watch a game. You couldn't watch a game you weren't in, or the rest of the game after you lost where I use to play.

Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
4960epic wrote:
I like the site because it has a great community. I enjoy playing many games with a variety of players. I do realize that the site may be bogged down right now with a few issues but I have faith that the programmers will have them fixed. Its a constantly evolving dynamic site, always being improved upon.
TheMachiavelli wrote:
Pretty much what Epic said. In my experience, a risk site is as strong as its community. And I haven't been anywhere with as a good a community as D12. The sheer amount of work that goes into improving D12 is impressive. And not just on the coding side - the map making team is particularly strong and creative.