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lionheart wrote:
I thought of a future problem that may need to be addressed for the site and it is regarding anti-social behaviour.

On conquer club they have a feedback system as most already know, which is on the right lines however they encourage people to rate everybody you play which is too time consuming and you only want to rate the really bad or really good in my opinion.

Anyway I have found everyone on the sight so far to be very friendly however as the on-line community grows there are bound to be a few "unsavoury" characters or "arseholes" joining the site and I think there should be a way of tagging good and bad players, especialy when people start negotiating truces in game, any thoughts?

4myGod wrote:
Yeah, I agree, my concern was, when people start rating other people they start judging people... openly. When people are judged they are angry, and it will start building a bit of resentment towards each other. However, yeah, I see that in the future we might need this. We will have foe's and friend's.

I wouldn't know what rating system would be best. Any rating system we do can be false as well... just because someone doesn't like someone else.