Just curious
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Clarke wrote:
I just won a game in which I got 19 points from a warrant officer but only 18 points from a 2nd lieutenant. How is it possible that I got more points from a lower ranked player?

Are the points you are "putting up" based on the moment you join the game or the moment the game begins? That would be a logical answer...

Matty wrote:
Points you get depend on the number of points everyone has once the game ends.

So if the lower ranked player gave you more points, than at the moment of the game ending, he had more points than the higher ranked player.

Some possibilities why:
- You saw the ranks later, after he lost some games and lost his rank, or the other player just ranked up - so the ranks you saw where not the actual ranks they had at the momemnt you won your game.
- The guy can buy a higher rank, but he doesnt (not enough tokens or rank hiding).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria