Veterans verbally abuse new players and should be reprimanded
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quetzalcoatl wrote:
I'm fed up with the "skilled" players calling others 'idiots' just because they are trying to survive and allowing the 'skilled player' to win is not their top priority. This is abusive, and I would like to see a special message in reports just for putting n end to this sense of entitlement. Some seem to think that just because they have been here a while they 'deserve' to win. Newsflash: try improving your play and not blaming others for your losses. Sometimes - usually- it is your lack of intelligence, not the dice, not the cards not the "idiot' newbies that caused you to lose.
Matty wrote:
Apart from the fact that sometimes you are absolutely right about this.
Did you ever consider that they might be right about it sometimes as well?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
quetzalcoatl wrote:
They may be, but they spoil it by wading right in and calling noobies idiots. There is no polite gentle advice from a more experienced player - it goes right into using the word idiot and being told they don't know how to play the game when it's obvious, even too a newb that the veteran is just upset because he is losing again

I would like to see an addition to the rules where experienced players (more than ten games even) can be suspended for three days for using the word 'idiot', or just clearly being angry and abusive toward a new player because someone else is winning.
quetzalcoatl wrote:
Why does this bother me so much? Because practically every game I play there is a high rank or veteran player calling a basic player an idiot. How can Dominating12 prosper if the regulars are abusing the new members?
berserker wrote:
quetzalcoatl - Feb 20, 11:31 AM
They may be, but they spoil it by wading right in and calling noobies idiots. There is no polite gentle advice from a more experienced player - it goes right into using the word idiot and being told they don't know how to play the game when it's obvious, even too a newb that the veteran is just upset because he is losing again

I would like to see an addition to the rules where experienced players (more than ten games even) can be suspended for three days for using the word 'idiot', or just clearly being angry and abusive toward a new player because someone else is winning.

Why not permaban?..

In all seriousness, if you're an idiot or you do idiotic things that ruin other's games then you deserve to be called an idiot whether you're a newbie or a veteran.
quetzalcoatl wrote:
@ Elysium - I don't understand what you are asking.
@ berserker - that's where you're wrong. Of course it's wrong to just verbally abusing people for the sake of a mere online game. They never even try to explain nicely. And you're missing the point that what is being done is not necessarily idiotic, most of the time its the veteran being upset about losing (again) and blaming others for his own bad luck, tactical errors or well, idiocy.
Matty wrote:
berserker - Feb 20, 12:49 PM
In all seriousness, if you're an idiot or you do idiotic things that ruin other's games then you deserve to be called an idiot whether you're a newbie or a veteran.
I'm not so much a fan of political corectness, but calling ppl an idiot if they do something stupid might not be the best way to teach them to become better.

The only reason why my first post was so direct in answering is because the OP apparently dislikes being called an idiot, but has no problem himself to call them "arrogant spoiled babies".

So yes, if ppl call you idiot you should report them for abusive language or whatever way it is called.
But in real life ppl won't always hold your hand, and unfortunately the internet isn't always better, so learn to cope with it a bit.

It's just some ppl on the internet after all :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
quetzalcoatl wrote:
It's not me being called an idiot. Okay, it has happened but once for every ten or twelve times I see some other player being called an idiot - and again I must underline that it is nearly always undeserved - the noob is just trying to get territory or a card, but the spoiled babies don't like it. Of course, you're right that abusing someone is no way to change their behavior. In my case, when they do that, I may have not even much noticed the abusive player before. After that, I am deliberately uncooperative.
elysium5 wrote:
quetzalcoatl, by report it I mean send a PM to a staff member so they can deal with it.

Matty is right about the comparison:

"calling ppl an idiot if they do something stupid might not be the best way to teach them to become better.

The only reason why my first post was so direct in answering is because the OP apparently dislikes being called an idiot, but has no problem himself to call them "arrogant spoiled babies"."

All that being said, here is an explanation excerpt from the site rules:
3. No name calling or harassing players

You can tell a player that they made a bad move if you take the time to explain why, but you cannot call the player names. Attack the strategy but not the person. If an Admin or Moderator reminds you of this rule and you continue to call them names then game chat will be disabled on your account. To harass means to annoy persistently. Do not constantly criticize the same player for the same thing over and over again. Do not follow players around to all their games to make negative comments about them. Do not message someone who has told you to stop messaging them. If an Admin receives multiple complaints about the same player saying or doing annoying things then they will receive an official warning.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
quetzalcoatl wrote:
Sure, I will. Expect a flood of messages. it seems to happen most games. All you need is someone who has played more than 20 games. And they think they can bully the others.
elysium5 wrote:
Those are the kind of messages we don't mind. We can chat ban repeat abusers and that makes the game more enjoyable for everyone.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
aeronautic wrote:
@ Elysium - I don't understand what you are asking.

I think you were looking at his account quotation "I am or am I?", this is something that some players use and some don't, yours is "undefined"

I hate to see players call others "idiots".
I do understand that it's just their instant anger at what they recognise and you too will eventually recognise, as unskilled play.
I and most of the staff here would 100% of the time, try to explain why their move/s were not wise... most of the time because it gives the game to a player that couldn't have won the game without the move/s.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Clarke wrote:
I think this should follow other rules of slander. If someone lies and you call them a liar, that is fine. If you call someone a liar who is not lying, that is slander. Same thing here.

If you have a cap with 40 on it, and all others are 80, and you have 4 cards and do not have a set, and on your turn you decide to attack another cap because you admit you are about to be killed so "here goes nothing"... Anyway you get the picture. If that is the case, DO NOTHING, take the fact that you are not going to win this game, but don't attack a cap. That would make you AN IDIOT.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You reputation on D12 goes with you from game to game. If you attack a cap "just because I know I am about to die" you deserve to be called and idiot and others will remember that move you made.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is die with dignity and move on to the next game.

PS: I am guilty of having done some stupid things on D12 as well, so I can speak with experience on this topic, lol...
quetzalcoatl wrote:
But Clarke, that's not at all what I am talking about. I am not saying that what you describe does not happen, but you are citing a situation that justifies the actions I am complaining about. I am talking about clear, and very frequent cases of high rank players just sounding off because they are losing and refuse to acknowledge that it wasn't the dice or the cards, it was just that they were bested, and maybe by someone who has only ever played two games. Too often I hear,"Nice going IDIOT" you just gave the game to green" or something like that - and it is not even true. It's just some child being mad because he is losing. For example Narendramodi, or whatever his name is, did not call me an idiot, but complained that he lost because of me. I PMed him to point out that I had never even attacked him in the Cuban capitals game. He replied that I had allowed whoever was up in the Bahamas access to his Dominican capital. He said I didn't know how to play. I pointed out that what had happened was that I passed through Moron, and of course I did because that is the center, most important province on the map, and of course the other guy had a lot of armies in the Bahamas because that was his capital, and of course he should have fortified his capital better. He shut up after that, but that's the 'everyone's fault but my own' attitude I dislike.

Also you are wrong, name-calling is never justified. This is just a game. People should keep it light and polite. Someone said above that this is the internet, so what is to be done? I say, no it isn't the internet, it's YOUR website and you can keep it well maintained, polite and genteel and fun if you want.

Sorry to talk so much. I am done. Thanks for listening.