A todo for me is to make sure that this is not selectable unless you actually select a team option - thanks for the reminder, I forgot.
When you are not in a team game, this option is completely ignored (even more, it is auto set to the default whatever you select).
When you are in a team game, you can either have ppl join a random team (randomized when the game starts), or make it based on join order.
Lets say you have a game with 3 teams each having two players per team.
Lets also say you selected "join order".
Now before the game starts, the first two people go into team A, the 3red and 4th of the list go into team B and the last two go in team C.
After that of course the list is randomized so that it is unknown which team goes first (like CABCA
A todo for me is to make sure that this is not selectable unless you actually select a team option - thanks for the reminder, I forgot.
When you are not in a team game, this option is completely ignored (even more, it is auto set to the default whatever you select).
When you are in a team game, you can either have ppl join a random team (randomized when the game starts), or make it based on join order.
Lets say you have a game with 3 teams each having two players per team.
Lets also say you selected "join order".
Now before the game starts, the first two people go into team A, the 3red and 4th of the list go into team B and the last two go in team C.
After that of course the list is randomized so that it is unknown which team goes first (like CABCAB).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria