no problem if u don't want
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thaithai wrote:
u 4myGod have told: double a=tally_above/tally_below .but with a man have tally_above=0 i won't get anything when i win him although i win him much game.
i want a small reward for a win. can u set : if (a<0.1) a=0.1;
i think minimum value a=0.1 is appropriate.i must win 10 on a player who have high tally_below to get one skill.
4myGod wrote:
If I do that then people can gain many tallies by winning 100 times against easy players. So you win 100 times against someone who really isn't good, then you have 10 skill points. Then everyone will only play easy players.

So no, you only get skill points for winning against skilled players. This people have to be good to get skill points. You don't get them just for playing a lot.
thaithai wrote:
hard to win a player 10 game.with premium membership u only active 10 to win a player 100 except u use clone acc.if u use clone acc ,u will be block ,it is example
lionheart wrote:
i have to say i think the current system is brilliant for rewarding skilled players rather than those that have time to play more game
4myGod wrote:
the majority of times 0.1 will be more than you will get from a lot of players. I want it all to be based on skill, nothing on just number of wins. It's about strategically placed wins. Winning against the best, not just winning against a bunch of easy players.

I understand you want skill points, but I only want people to gain skill when they beat good players, so no minimums.