Get rid of them, you idiots
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Paddlin wrote:
Davidchecko and Spartakus should not have the ability to start team games. 

I can't believe you still allow this stupid shit. 
Paddlin wrote:
You are an idiot if you think it should be an option. When I get invites to games, I don't walk into them with the assumption that someone is trying to cheat for a win. When I commented in the chat that I didn't realize it was a same time, team game, by the time I went to take my turn, I was dead. 

I guess it's my fault because there was a password. 
UltrasPlot wrote:
1. its not cheating
2. are you kidding me me and beta beat them all the time
3. just avoid them if you don't like them
4. more often than not they're pass protected
5. if it's 6p+ its such a fun game ur points are all invalid... js
Paddlin wrote:
1) It is cheating. If you can kill someone before they start their turn, you are cheating. 

2) You and BETA are idiots for both supporting them.

3) I shouldn't have to avoid them. That is the point. As a side, women shouldn't have to avoid men, or wear conservative clothing, to stop being raped. Men just shouldn't rape people. Take responsibility for the conditions that create an environment for cheating and cheap play. 

4) Password protection wasn't created to protect players from fucks who have to cheat to win. That is not why they put that in place.

5) 6 player could be a fun game if sametime wasn't broken. 
UltrasPlot wrote:
1. If you start your turn too late, it's your fault.
2. I don't take ad hominem attacks nicely.
3. Well, I shouldn't have to avoid no card games either.
4. it's called SET TEAMS for a reason, and the password exists for that reason...
5. The only problem is the immense amount of fortify WORLD CLASSIC provides. With the same settings on Caribbean it is by far more fair, as that is why I avoid sparty's games in the first place. Six player classic is also by far more fair.
Votazap wrote:
@Paddlin, its a gametype and its there isn't it? The whole point of same time is to "amp things up" a little and make you more hesitant about what your next move will be. It makes sense that you would think its cheating as you can quite literally die in 10 seconds. I was dumbfounded when I played my first "STT" as they are called here. However, I gave the game type another try and found myself addicted to it. It really is a fun gametype(my opinion of course) and there is skill in it(some of the greats are spartakus, davidechko123, beta, carnivora(not you ultra, jk lol). There IS a join game tab: you click that and find the game information, its not that tough.Also, spartakus has lost several thousand points in the last couple weeks from this game mode, yet he continues to play it because he enjoys it :).
UltrasPlot wrote:
^ what vota said, but me and BETA invented the whole gamemode...
BETA: ok I don't have time for a regular game, unless... same time :P

Ultra: FINE YOU ****

BETA: Hey this is fun

Ultra: lol

Kellyxc92 wrote:
I propose that we all ignore Paddlin. I don't know why he is so angry with everyone but he gives me a hard time about creating fog games with unlimited fortifications too. When I try to set up a game and he's online he goes into the chat of my game and tells the other players that I am a cheater and I'm setting a trap and that they shouldn't join. I think it's best that we all let him rant and make an ass of himself. I love that this site has so many different options and so many different maps. If we all played the same type of game over and over again we would get bored and we wouldn't be here.
UltrasPlot wrote:
I think that Paddlin is just frustrated at a gametype he hasn't learned yet... it took a LOT of effort for most of us to learn how to play teams in same time. Also about fog med unlimited... it's just fun. In your opinion Paddlin, Capitals should not exist at all, neither should any maps with ports, since newbs will screw up? lol.
elysium5 wrote:
You are welcome to your opinion but the bad language and name calling are not needed in order to convey it.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
tramadol wrote:
me and BETA invented the whole gamemode
Do you mean Team games?
Matty wrote:
By now it doesn't really matter any more whether or not your points are valid. If you keep kalling them idiots you make one of yourself and therefore no one can any longer take your points serious.

Sorry. I agree that same time games can be very unfair (all the more if it's a live game) but it's your responsability for reading the bar at the bottom to see what kind of game it is.

Can't believe you join a game with davichenko and assume it's a normal setup though.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
tramadol wrote:
You know it was first tried in the team beta testing that lifeinpixels organised right? Even before there was team reinforcement abilities.

Also the whole concept using all set-up types was in the forums and was decided to be implemented by the staff when the programmers could find the time to do it, a very long time ago.