What is your favorite game?
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cbt711 wrote:
The Classic
5 or 6 player deathmatch. Increasing uncapped cards. Chained fortify. The original game... we think. Strat and Seguin start these games more than anyone, but every member has played this game at one point or another.

The Nerfed Classic
The same as above, but capped cards around 20 or 25. For newer players that don't see any skill in the end game, just lucky timing and card bonus getting out of control! It happens.

6 player caps, increasing, uncapped, chained fortify. Medium to large maps. The classic caps game, as started most often by Muzthebus. Term coined by Tramadol. Tram and Strat and TrueDetective and MJD and Ultras and even I (and a LOT more I'm just going to stop here before I get crippling pain from typing so much) play this probably more than we should. It can test your sanity when you aren't the "next player" when someone comes up short.

Variation - cbtpitols - 4 player caps small maps, usually panama or Domincan Republic, chained or unlimited fortify depending on how fast you want the game to go. I try to play this game at least once a day.

Hide and go seek
6+ player caps on Med States, or medium to large map. FOG OF WAR!!! Marco! Polo! This game is frequented by Spamfree, iTrend, UltrasPlot and many more I don't know of because I avoid fog games like the plague.

Yarrrrr going down!
The most addictive game type. The pirates love to fight over the Caribbean and so do we at d12! Caribbean map, 3 to 5 players, caps OR deathmatch. Almost any card configuration.

Variations: The college football fan jb the longhorn fan and blackshirts the Nebraska Cornhusker fan play this constantly. 3 player caps, FOG OF WAR, unlimited fortify.  The classic Simeon - Simeon used to play this daily: 3 player caps, FIXED cards, no fog. This version got me addicted to this map. 

The European Theater
4 players, capitals, no fog, unlimited fortify, 95% of the time Europe is the map and of course, drum roll please.... ....SAME TIME turns! This might as well be called "the Sparty" as Spartakus plays it constantly.

Stop that David!
Divido the highest ranked player on the site by points, most games played, and I assume highest skill points by now, plays this when he's bored. 10-20 times in a row. World Classic, same time, capitols, two player, unlimited fortify. You better not glitch or it's game over!

Please list any you have noticed.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Ultra + BETA > All
4p pairs same time team Caribbean capitals with unlimited fortification and increasing cards. (Spartakus declined my challenge, COME ON MAN!)

4p Mediterranean capitals with unlimited fortification and fog of war and increasing cards.

3p Caribbean capitals with chained fortification, increasing cards, and fog of war. Frequented by jonboy1967 and his famed privateer crew: iTrend, SpamFree, and OXEN.

The Bigger Classic
8/9p World Expanded deathmatch with chained fortification and increasing cards.
cbt711 wrote:
That last one could also be called The Dominator with advanced cards.
BETA wrote:
fave is definitely Ultra + Beta > All
Same time teams is EPIC!

also recently started swimming with the sharks (or pirates) Caribbean,3p, fog, chained. very enjoyable.

and of course the davido!
Sygmassacre wrote:
The Moneymaker aka Points Booster

7-8 player long term capitals on World Classic.
Variations are a combination of chained or unlimited with increasing or capped cards down to 35 (to avoid the filter).
They usually take 4-8 days to complete. If I win 5 or 6 out of 16 I gain a rank everytime
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
cbt711 wrote:
The Professor
Any even numbered player game on Saturn. I imagine this is the preferred game of Matty and Vexer (just a guess, probably not), especially caps, as every single player has an equal distance and number of paths to every other player. Perfect balance. Very scientific, math(s) oriented, and of course... astronomic!
Matty wrote:
No not at all, I absolutely don't like capitals games.
Too predictable, especially with normal (not advanced) cards, but then with advanced cards you have the suicide problem...

The professor would be nikeboix favourite.

The runby
A 9 player fixed cards (or low capped) domination game, preferably on a big map like New York or World expanded.
It has all the good stuff from fixed games, but with two major differences: it doesn't stalemate so often and you have to pay alot of attention to ppl sneaking around your defense and taking all the unprotected territories :)

That is defenitely my favourite. I would like fixed cards games (deathmatches) alot as well, but few ppl know how to agressively play them, so they stalemate and nothing happends. Maybe I'll get to write a tutorial on them once.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Stratosphere wrote:
what a nice thread of classifications :D
let me add two other types:

Private Date in San Francisco - or hooboy's official
basically the only setup that hooboy11 creates and plays, 2p Capitals game played in San Francisco, with fog of war...
usually you get blind of the opponent's cap very early and a huge army approches your cap..
usually caps in this game are weak and the first army which reaches the opponent's cap silently wins, but as long as opponent doesn't know about your army size.

Just Three Of Us - or sooshe's official
this type of game is started by sooshe, I played 22 games with sooshe which 20 of them were "Just Three Of Us" games.
it's a 3 players Capitals game played in world classic map with fog of war. fixed cards and adjacent fortifications are most important characteristics of this type of game.
and you should be able to complete a a continent as fast as possible while pretending you dont have it LOL. in this type of game usually 2 players overattack each other struggling on a continent or trying to weaken each other assuming the other one is weak already and third player wins. or another common scenario in this type is one player takes the other and third player wins in heads up..
OXEN wrote:
@Ultra LOL



3-4 player fog, Capital, Unlimited (Pirates have no mercy)



Iam the king aka "Black-OX-Beard" aka B.O.B off OXIRIBBEAN.. MAny try to conqueer me Islands with occasional success, pirates such as Simeon, Blackshirts, iTrend, Jonboy1967 are my arch nemesis!!
OXEN wrote:

3-4 player game, Sametime Capitals

Europe or Classic map...

Spartacus is the Reaper of the this map...
cbt711 wrote:
The European Theater
4 players, capitals, no fog, unlimited fortify, 95% of the time Europe is the map and of course, drum roll please.... ....SAME TIME turns! This might as well be called "the Sparty" as Spartakus plays it constantly.

Got it already!
BETA wrote:
Rename -

Ultra got "Ultra + BETA > All"

Yes it started that way. We made it popular! (yes we started it!!!!)
And now that its grown, (and others have gotten real good at it o_O)
its now -

And its no longer my favorite..

New fave is....

STT ROULETTE!!!!! (especially 6 player. wow!)