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4myGod wrote:
Good news guys, I have a 5 day weekend now, I have planned it out and if I can keep to my schedule I will have finished the site by the end of the weekend, but just barely, it doesn't include any testing. So maybe I will upload it and we can test it for a day or 2 and then take the site out of beta and start bringing in massive amounts of players and I can get back to work on adding new things instead of correcting old things.

4myGod wrote:
Well guys, we have a slight problem. I use something called Ext.js which helps organize the js. The version of ext we use for the site and the version we use for the new forums with built in text editor is different.

So far it has caused a huge delay trying to merge the 2 Ext's and make 1 Ext that works for the whole site. I have just started working on something else so as not to waste the entire day on one thing. However I might not be done by the weekend because of the new forums.