I thank everyone for the feedback and I understand the concerns addressed. When Fendi generously agreed to the prizes I made it clear that this was something I wanted to try on my own. I would do all the work. I did not under any circumstances want to use the D12 staff for any of it because I for one am very appreciative of all the work they already do and didn't want to add even a tiny bit to that workload.
So I picked a criteria to get into the tournament that would be VERY transparent and easily accessible to everyone.
And keep these 2 things in mind as well:
1) Whatever criteria we use, there will be a 33rd person who didn't make it. Someone has to be on the outside. And right now, I am one of the players on the edge of either just making it in or being one of the top guys out. It's just the way it is. If you truly desire to make it into this first tournament, my best advice is: earn points, buy rank, buy premium. Simple as that.
2) There will be a second tournament and #33 will be the #1 seed in that tournament. So fear not, everyone's time will come and nobody will be left out.
I love that folks are actually interested in this and excited about it.
I thank everyone for the feedback and I understand the concerns addressed. When Fendi generously agreed to the prizes I made it clear that this was something I wanted to try on my own. I would do all the work. I did not under any circumstances want to use the D12 staff for any of it because I for one am very appreciative of all the work they already do and didn't want to add even a tiny bit to that workload.
So I picked a criteria to get into the tournament that would be VERY transparent and easily accessible to everyone.
And keep these 2 things in mind as well:
1) Whatever criteria we use, there will be a 33rd person who didn't make it. Someone has to be on the outside. And right now, I am one of the players on the edge of either just making it in or being one of the top guys out. It's just the way it is. If you truly desire to make it into this first tournament, my best advice is: earn points, buy rank, buy premium. Simple as that.
2) There will be a second tournament and #33 will be the #1 seed in that tournament. So fear not, everyone's time will come and nobody will be left out.
I love that folks are actually interested in this and excited about it.