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emjaydee wrote:
I was playing a capitals game yesterday, and killed a player who had only 1 in his capital. In the game chat, they admitted they didn't understand the rules of the capital game, and the other players mentioned that I should have let him have another turn to re-inforce his capital - that this was site etiquette.
I've only been on here a few weeks and din't know this was the case.
So, are there any other site etiquette rules I should be following?

(I'm aware suiciding is regarded as a no-no)

I don't want to be annoying people!
elysium5 wrote:
What you did was fine. It is good etiquitte to let a player know he/she is doing something wrong, but unless all players agree to leave it for a turn to let someone reinforce, you must do whatever it takes to win or someone else will.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Vexer wrote:
Yeah, it's best to inquire in the chat to make sure the other players will follow the etiquette and let him reinforce his cap.