Capitals New edition
  • 21 posts
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Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
-24 players
-24 capitals games played simultaneously
-4/6/8 player games with 24 different maps
-Games are free, players are manually entered
-8x4 player games = 3 points each
-8x6 player games = 5 points each
-8x8 player games = 8 points each
-Entry condition:Played at least 50 capitals games
-Classic settings
Games are free, players are manually entered.
Entry condition: having played at least 50 capitals games.

Donations welcome!
Players :
1. @Bambolea
2. @Blagoje_Jovovic
3. @CaptainKathryn
4. @green-pig2
5. @andymech
6. @Dogbreath
7. @Rockbert
8. @blee
9. @misunderstood
10. @Maafi
11. @Hoodlum
12. @SN007

Donations: @Andymech 10 000
 @Maafi 10 000 pending
Rockbert wrote:
in please
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
God_of_War wrote:
can we make sure players are only added that have a solid Attendance? in the current tournament, seeing a few too many missed turns and 36 hours is P L E N T Y of time to make moves
Hi there!
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Yes i see and honestly I can add time but player is seen 2 hours ago and still not make their turn ,should take care about turns 
Maybe can be fine if i make turn for him ?!
God_of_War wrote:
Yes i see and honestly I can add time but player is seen 2 hours ago and still not make their turn ,should take care about turns 
Maybe can be fine if i make turn for him ?!

I don't think you make the turns for them. I think they just lose out on entering new tournaments until their attendance improves.
Hi there!
Hoodlum wrote:
dogbreath currently at 72 --- bring out the boot
already on it. limited to 2p games till he can rectify his attendance score.