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- Posted: 2 months ago
- Modified: 4 days ago
Post #1
its based on 6 player maps and 36 maps every player per one map. Classic settings increased no fog chained
24 players in total and 36 games and 36 hour per turn
1st place 50%
2nd place 35%
3rd place 15%
Players :
1. @Blagoje_Jovovic
2. @andymech
3. @CaptainKathryn
4. @Hoodlum
5. @nikola80
6. @gameplayer
7. @richierich
8. @MarshyMotty
9. @maxrebo
10. @ttranbar
11. @Rockbert
12. @Valhalla
13. @Vicious
14. @nobodyelse
15. @anuorre
16. @God_of_War
17. @justinitforfu0
18. @green-pig2
19. @Dogbreath
20. @Crywolf
21. @FrankieYale
22. @MLTurner
23. @SN007
24. @Bambolea
Donations : @nikola80 15 000
@MarshyMotty 4500
@Rockbert 2500
@Valhalla 5000
@MLTurner 5000
@God_of_War 2500
@ttranbar 1000
total prize :20500
24 players in total and 36 games and 36 hour per turn
1st place 50%
2nd place 35%
3rd place 15%
Players :
1. @Blagoje_Jovovic
2. @andymech
3. @CaptainKathryn
4. @Hoodlum
5. @nikola80
6. @gameplayer
7. @richierich
8. @MarshyMotty
9. @maxrebo
10. @ttranbar
11. @Rockbert
12. @Valhalla
13. @Vicious
14. @nobodyelse
15. @anuorre
16. @God_of_War
17. @justinitforfu0
18. @green-pig2
19. @Dogbreath
20. @Crywolf
21. @FrankieYale
22. @MLTurner
23. @SN007
24. @Bambolea
Donations : @nikola80 15 000
@MarshyMotty 4500
@Rockbert 2500
@Valhalla 5000
@MLTurner 5000
@God_of_War 2500
@ttranbar 1000
total prize :20500