36 players, varied settings with increasing cards.
  • 149 posts
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The_Bishop wrote:
Registrations are closed, sorry.

Tournament is going to start tomorrow (within next 36h)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
The tournament is on!

-- Competitors Mediterranean Summer 2020 --

See ALL THE GAMES here: https://dominating12.com/tournament/117

Follow the tournament progress here: https://dominating12.com/tournament/117/participants
Remember that each win is worth 6 points, and each draw is worth 1 point.

Good luck everybody! :)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
First game won in the Mediterranean Summer achieved by Hoodlum! :)

Partial result at 12 games finished over 36:
Spoiler (click to show)

Follow progress here: https://dominating12.com/tournament/117/participants
See all games here: https://dominating12.com/tournament/117
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Partial result at 24 games finished over 36:
Spoiler (click to show)

Still the outcome is quite unpredictable...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Last 4 games

At the moment there is a surprising tie between 12 competitors who have 12 points each:
2BeeStings, Blagoje_Jovovic, Hoodlum, LeRenard, 10110, PippoCalogero,
1949midden, KoE_Doja, TimTheGreat, OldDogGen, MuzuaneAskari, The_Bishop.

However there are still 4 games in progress that could determine a unique winner among these four: Blagoje_Jovovic, PippoCalogero, 2BeeStings, The_Bishop; or the first paired with one of the other three; or a very large tie that might include in the list of winners also simomosi, TomC, SN007, GIO_thePioneer, in addition to those already mentioned

We'll see...
Last 4 games (click to show)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
I'm sorry Rockbert, this tournament is about to end and the next edition will be next year.

Last game in progress here: game 1035666
This game will determine whether the winners of the Mediterranean Summer are 13 (i.e. the twelve already mentioned plus simomosi) or there will be just 1 single winner.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
LeRenard wrote:
Bishop - the tournament was great. It was my first and I really enjoyed. Thanks v much for organising. I look forward to the next one!

Pippo - congrats on the win. Glad it was a decisive outcome in the end and not a thirteen way tie!

gg everyone!
The_Bishop wrote:

Congratulations @PippoCalogero for winning the Mediterranean Summer tournament !
You therefore receives a prize of 9,000 battle tokens. Enjoy it! ;)

FINAL RESULTS here: (click to show)

The last game has been decisive to determine the winner of the tournament and hard fought. Pippo was very shrewd and managed to turn an almost-announced draw into a win. We recognize him all the honours of victory!

I must say that I am very satisfied with how the tournament went. Thanks to everyone for participating in the Mediterranean Summer and many thanks also to the donors: maafi, MuzuaneAskari, dough_boy and nickdabubble, for helping to increase the prize.

Goodbye to everyone,
see you next year! :)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
PippoCalogero wrote:
Thank you Bishop and all the other players of the tournament. I want to start spending my new fortune buying a house in some Mediterranean island, where all the heroes of the game (and true Risk believers) who have lost their own during the fight will always find hospitality.