alert in the end of turn
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Lince wrote:
Hi every body ...

How are you?

I have a idea ...

I talk about "If when a player finish is turn, the computer make a noise/alert to the others players, I think that the game happen better" with managers of this site, but, they have some difficult in make that operation, because of all the browses. 

Some of you are programer, and can help them with this operation?

LordVader wrote:
Hey Lince. I do believe that is an idea for the future, from what Ive seen in recent topics concerning that matter. I think it be great idea and know lifeinpixels thinks so too
Cireon wrote:
For now we are focusing on changing the title of the tab to something like "Dominating 12 (1)" which in some browsers will give a visual signal to the tab to show something changed. Audio signals are harder to do and in my opinion also annoying.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
amonk7 wrote:
That's fine and all Cireon, but there was no need to shut down my thread. I was just trying to be useful and help out.
Cireon wrote:
I'd rather have all discussion regarding this subject in the same place, otherwise it will become a lot of work to find everything back when we get to implementing this.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Lince wrote:

Cireo, the alert would be a small click, not an annoying noise, and the players did not like, they could always turn off the signal.

I just spoke of this sign, because often we are 15 or 20 munitos waiting our turn, and I always end up falling asleep or distract myself with other things, if existice a sign, no longer would pass my turn. I've lost many games by pass my turn.
Cireon wrote:
When I am playing live games, I take interested in other people's turn and try to map out my strategy so I can do my turn faster in the end. That is in my opinion the big difference between live and long term games.

As I said: I am not opposed to this idea, but it is a complete disaster to implement something like this and I think that it is currently not worth doing.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
lifeinpixels wrote:
I'm a huge fan of an audio signal. Include it as an option so that players who don't like it won't ever be bothered.
How would it be a disaster to implement?
Vexer wrote:
He means that it would be a messy kluge to get it to work on every browser and it would be a headache to figure out.
kufumaster23 wrote:
I suggest an email go out to the account when it is somebody's turn and then my computer beeps right away but this does not happen right away in a live game and I miss my turn. some of the other risk sites use this strategy to alert someone that it is their turn by sending an immediate email on start of each turn. Thanks.
LordVader wrote:
Kufu if im not mistaken, you have that option is your account to be "notified" when its your turn via email

It just doesn't beep that's all
Cireon wrote:
I don't understand what the buzz is about missing live game turns. Is it just me that keeps watching the game even when it's not your turn?
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Fendi wrote:
It seems like people are easily distracted, if that is the case then I don't think playing a live game is the right way to go. Some kind of notification will be implemented sometime in the future but for now, all we ask is pay attention.
elysium5 wrote:
I agree with Fendi and Cireon. If playing a live game, I watch other players turns and map out my strategy. It's a live game. If you don't have time to pay attention, you don't have time to play a live game.
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