17 May, 06:58 pm
17 May 2015, 06:58 pm
17 May, 07:12 pm
17 May 2015, 07:12 pm
Hmmmz, now to guess the password.
17 May, 07:15 pm
17 May 2015, 07:15 pm
If ya get it u can have my tokens
17 May, 07:17 pm
17 May 2015, 07:17 pm
Wait arent all 12 invited?
17 May, 07:18 pm
17 May 2015, 07:18 pm
Probably only the first 9 - I'm #10 on the list (
17 May, 07:30 pm
17 May 2015, 07:30 pm
oh great now i haveto actually play long term
thx for invite
17 May, 07:31 pm
17 May 2015, 07:31 pm
but but but i thoguth descarado chooses the game hummmmm
17 May, 08:12 pm
17 May 2015, 08:12 pm
descarado passed it on to the number two, spartakus.
17 May, 08:13 pm
17 May 2015, 08:13 pm
17 May, 09:56 pm
17 May 2015, 09:56 pm
So since descarado isn't playing shouldn't Matty be invited?
18 May, 12:20 am
18 May 2015, 12:20 am
If I get an invite I'll join tomorrow morning.
18 May, 12:29 am
18 May 2015, 12:29 am
gl all, sorry matty
18 May, 12:30 am
18 May 2015, 12:30 am
18 May, 12:35 am
18 May 2015, 12:35 am
18 May, 12:47 am
18 May 2015, 12:47 am
Wow so many colonels and generals! I hope to see a good game, do your best guys!
18 May, 12:47 am
18 May 2015, 12:47 am
Hello and good luck
18 May, 01:24 am
18 May 2015, 01:24 am
I see I was mistaken
18 May, 01:24 am
18 May 2015, 01:24 am
18 May, 04:50 am
18 May 2015, 04:50 am
Soooo.........Whats this capitals game thing?.......never heard of it
18 May, 12:35 pm
18 May 2015, 12:35 pm
Oh well, descarado deserves it more. Besides, I have never played purple before anyways, could as well keep it that way
18 May, 12:36 pm
18 May 2015, 12:36 pm
@Epic: it means that you start with a bunch of extra troops that you can just attack with at the beginning to quickly get a region. You can just ignore that territory with white circles, noone cares about them anyways.
19 May, 07:39 pm
19 May 2015, 07:39 pm
LOL - Matty's trying to sabotate the game as he is invidious... he wanted to be there!
22 May, 06:57 am
22 May 2015, 06:57 am
Ok, and all my reinforcement need to be devoted to kill reds extra troops correct?
22 May, 02:17 pm
22 May 2015, 02:17 pm
Usually I'd use them to suicide on Fendi, but as she isn't here that could be an option.
26 May, 12:32 pm
26 May 2015, 12:32 pm
Capital games are boring to watch...
26 May, 10:41 pm
26 May 2015, 10:41 pm
yep, apparently nobody is doing anything there, but the tension is high, the storm is coming soon!
27 May, 06:53 am
27 May 2015, 06:53 am
This is when we start placing token bets?
28 May, 04:54 am
28 May 2015, 04:54 am
I betcha sparty's points i dont win
28 May, 11:44 am
28 May 2015, 11:44 am
bet tokens and win points
31 May, 03:30 am
31 May 2015, 03:30 am
31 May, 03:33 am
31 May 2015, 03:33 am
ridicoulus dices really
31 May, 03:34 am
31 May 2015, 03:34 am
31 May, 03:34 am
31 May 2015, 03:34 am
congratulations epic
31 May, 03:35 am
31 May 2015, 03:35 am
lucky like all 9p games
31 May, 03:35 am
31 May 2015, 03:35 am
31 May, 03:35 am
31 May 2015, 03:35 am
31 May, 03:36 am
31 May 2015, 03:36 am
50 % troops you not need lol ,you beat us whit hendicap
31 May, 03:36 am
31 May 2015, 03:36 am
thanks guys, this game is really fun playing with the best
31 May, 04:45 am
31 May 2015, 04:45 am
31 May, 05:10 am
31 May 2015, 05:10 am
good job epic
31 May, 10:42 am
31 May 2015, 10:42 am
gg, well done epic
31 May, 02:31 pm
31 May 2015, 02:31 pm
Wow, that's just grazy.
31 May, 04:46 pm
31 May 2015, 04:46 pm
nah... i was a bit busy and missed the final, dice seems to have been really... epic!
31 May, 06:22 pm
31 May 2015, 06:22 pm
wow... congrats THE DOMINATOR...
02 Jun, 03:38 pm
02 Jun 2015, 03:38 pm