Official Instructions and Standards for Making New Maps
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cbt711 wrote:
Pro Tip 1: Border making:

For the borders, I use paths and stroke options. These are only available on pretty hard to use software packages like Photoshop CS series, Corel Photopaint, or the cheapest option, GIMP. You basically draw the borders with a pen or path tool, making them a vector graphic which has no actual thickness or presence on your drawing. Then you stroke the path to make your borders, making perfectly uniform lines which you can edit and remake as many times as you like. Need to change the border? drag the path around and then just stroke the path again. This is somewhat difficult at first, but gets easier over time, and for those with no experience, there is always youtube help!

Check this out:

I don't have volume right now at work, so not sure if this one is any good. But there is this one and another dozen on the right. These should teach you all you need to know to make awesome borders. Once you have made a path, just set up the paint brush and 2-3 pixel hard circles on black, and stroke path. Tutorials should cover stroke path, but if not I can figure it out and teach you.

I do all this on photoshop :)

Protip 2: Text

Speaking of Vector graphics, Photoshop stores text as vectors, so this bit of advice is crucial. You need someone to input all that text for you in photoshop if you don't have photoshop yourself. Free trials are always good :). Nothing makes text look better than photoshop somehow. I think even GIMP rasterizes it into an image :( Photoshop keeps it vector based interactive text for forever.

You can save from gimp to .psd - so it might be a smooth transition for text input just by sending it to someone with photoshop if you only have access to the free GIMP software. A trial version of photoshop at the end would also work just for the text.

When you have all the text sitting there, it typically looks the best white, with a black outline or backdrop or faded shadow behind it. You can make it semi transparent too for a nice effect like World Classic. Don't get too crazy, but don't be scared to use custom fonts. Use sites like, but keep in mind you need to use ones with "For personal use" or "for commercial use" so no one can come after d12 for using an unapproved font.

more protips to follow when I have more time.
urgul wrote:
I have a question about gameplay.

I'm taking a break from Persian Gulf and I'm working on a new map. Would the following be an example of fun gameplay?

Every region of about nine or ten regions has mostly three or four territories. Every region only has one or two territories to defend. I suppose each region woukd be worth two or three bonus troops, but I haven't thought about that yet.

Would that be fun or not to play?
UltrasPlot wrote:
You mean Anchor Bay? haha

tbh though I'd like to see Persian Gulf finished first ;)
urgul wrote:
I have never actually played on anchor bay... But I took a look at it now. My map that I'm working on will be a little more variated in region territory number and bonuses though.
urgul wrote:
Oh ok. Lol. Anyway seriously what do you think of that type of gameplay? I want to know if it's worth it before I dive into the entire map making process.
urgul wrote:
Ok. I will try. The best way for me to stay motivated it for people to comment about my map on the Persian Gulf forum.
Fendi wrote:
For first time map makers I suggest they team up with someone (preferably someone with experience in the field) to create their first master-piece. This will teach them new techniques, give them a more thoroughly review when it comes to maps, standards, etc and make the map-making process much shorter.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
I agree - I was a beginner and my first map completely failed. My 2nd Map (now in beta) took ages, as I was still fairly incompetent! Pairing up with someone experienced helps move the map along twice as fast.
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cbt711 wrote:
Yeah just read through world reduced for all the stuff I demo'd out for Virtuosity, and pretend I say all that to you if it's your first map. :)
The_Bishop wrote:
Wow, the map of Italy includes Corsica according to our version! They copied us?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Hoodlum wrote:
I'm usually calculating the bonuses wrong myself. i made this simple html calculator to help just for risk maps.
download link