hmmm i will try that our. my fav is "empires of the med and the black sea".
regarding byz-arab wars. well yes, it was part of what happened at that time in that area. but there was also reconquista going on, internal arab wars, christianization of bulgaria and rus replacing khazars as the new power in the east. and i have put all these political entities on the map. so byz-arab wars is only a part of the whole. also the images dont fit to byz-arab wars topic, atleast the ones on top (they are more linked to franks). and its difficult to change them and find fitting ones.
we can call the map "arab-byz wars" officially, so that players feel attracted to it and i can put it as a second headline somewhere beneath "emps of the med and the black sea". gonna try to solvebit somehow tomorrow.
hmmm i will try that our. my fav is "empires of the med and the black sea".
regarding byz-arab wars. well yes, it was part of what happened at that time in that area. but there was also reconquista going on, internal arab wars, christianization of bulgaria and rus replacing khazars as the new power in the east. and i have put all these political entities on the map. so byz-arab wars is only a part of the whole. also the images dont fit to byz-arab wars topic, atleast the ones on top (they are more linked to franks). and its difficult to change them and find fitting ones.
we can call the map "arab-byz wars" officially, so that players feel attracted to it and i can put it as a second headline somewhere beneath "emps of the med and the black sea". gonna try to solvebit somehow tomorrow.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"