Collision betwen Islam & Christendom
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The_Bishop wrote:
So basicly i will need to increase the map width by 341 pixels. Can i then increase its lenght/hight by the same amount of pixels to keep the current proportions? So basicly it will become 1365*1139 (798+341). Or can i increase only width up to 1365, but have to keep the lenght/hight as it is?

If you want to keep the proportions you have to multiply or divide.
Current version is 1024x798 px's, multiplied by 4/3rd will make it 1365x1064.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
thanks Eric!

alright, this is updated:

Made regional borders thicker, added circles, but couldnt find another name instead for paris. Between neustria and australasia there is nothing. maybe keep paris as it is? for lack of alternatives. most dont know where it lies anywhere.

Couldnt find any better texture for the sea so far :/

Are the writings on the minimap readable or should i make them bigger/thicker?
And maybe mark the holy cities on the minimap? constantinople and medina might be not obvious to everybody.

Newest version:

"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Fom my taste everything there is ok
maybe to set some stattue on holly city or mark with something
Dima wrote:
thanks! i made the letters in italic and thick!

later i will make the black shadow around territory names a bit darker, cuz the writing look too pale and are difficult to distinguish from the terrain.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
Looking cool! And yes, the 5 Holy Cities are correct, please mark them in some way.
I think it would be more historically accurate if the Byzantine Empire could expand into Southern Italy.
I mean a sea route between Bari and Dyracium would make it. It seems natural also.

I have some doubts about the title, I don't like it being so long. Perhaps you should not mention the Black Sea.
So I would like better just Mediterranean Empires.
I would really love Byzantine–Arab Wars though.
Still keeping the under title and date description as it is now in both options.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
I'm not a fan of the false foreign scripts, they makes no sense for me, it's just a show of ignorance.
I mean the letter Я (ya) has nothing to do with R, and the letter П (pi) is not an N, and so on...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
alright, changed what i could change. the writings and added a connection. but not between bari and dyracium, but between athen and bari, so that athene & bari remain choke points and dyracium remains isolated.
regarding title: i had to keep the current one, cuz everything else doesnt fit with the lenght of the images and the uppper imahes are symmetric to the ones down.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
I think we are having some linguistic issue again.
The Mediterranean wants an article, the title should be "Empires of the Mediterranean".
Adding the Black Sea makes it even more complex, because there are multiple options:
  • Mediterranean and Black Sea Empires
  • Empires of the Mediterranean and Black Seas
  • Empires of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
  • Empires of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea
  • ...

However the historical theme here is: the Byzantine–Arab Wars and the 1st Battle of Arcadiopolis.
It would make a more appealing title imho. Because when people read "Mediterranean", the reaction might be like "Oh, just another Mediterranean map, the third one!"...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
hmmm i will try that our. my fav is "empires of the med and the black sea".

regarding byz-arab wars. well yes, it was part of what happened at that time in that area. but there was also reconquista going on, internal arab wars, christianization of bulgaria and rus replacing khazars as the new power in the east. and i have put all these political entities on the map. so byz-arab wars is only a part of the whole. also the images dont fit to byz-arab wars topic, atleast the ones on top (they are more linked to franks). and its difficult to change them and find fitting ones.
we can call the map "arab-byz wars" officially, so that players feel attracted to it and i can put it as a second headline somewhere beneath "emps of the med and the black sea". gonna try to solvebit somehow tomorrow.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
we can call the map "arab-byz wars" officially, so that players feel attracted to it and i can put it as a second headline somewhere beneath "emps of the med and the black sea". gonna try to solvebit somehow tomorrow.

Yes it's an idea. Please be careful, I found on wikipedia that Byzantine-Arab wars is different from Arab-Byzantine wars. 2 different ages.
"Collison of Islam..." also has sense. I don't know... I would like to hear from others. So please keep all options available.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
I mean: Ok for now let's call it "Empires of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (HD)", but I hope you'll make it graphically changeable please, so that we can still discuss about it. "(HD)" will be specified only in the map system name, not in the graphic title.
However you can see, how long is this map name, it looks too long to me.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
alright, look at the changes. maybe if i remove "& the black sea" it will look better.
the official title could be: "byzantine-arab wars"
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
Graphic title like this:

Empires of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
at the time of the Byzantine-Arab wars

System map name just: Mediterranean Empires (HD)
The Black Sea in the end is an internal sea of the Mediterranean, so we can assume it's included without having to mention it.

EDITED Bcoz I change my mind quickly... I won't modify this post anymore!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
Bishop, you have the tendency to make sometimes every minor issue into a philosophy question. I doubt players will spent so much time thinking about these stuff or even notice it. the previous version is okay and this version is okay too, althoigh the "collision ..." part is missing. anyway, here is the updated version:

"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"