Collision betwen Islam & Christendom
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Dima wrote:

here you can see my latest map.

Idea behind the map was connecting two circles, the medi amd black seas. A circle shaped map itself is very interesting, but two circles at once are even more so.
There was also a desire to have a map of muslim empires & we have an unfinished holy roman empire map somewhere. So this map combines these two topics. It is also a historical map, covering the most important powers in that area of that time.
I know we have two medi maps and one black see, but this is a different time period.

Territories: The size will be changed a bit, once the map is ready for circles to be put in. At the beginning i made sure, that the territories are big enough, but later forgot it.

Size : 147 ters and 24 reg.

Bonuses: I have added a formula of how i calculated the bonus in the mini map. It serves to make it easier for you to control whether the bonuses are done okay & it goes like this: First number shows the ter's to defend, second number shows interior ters without connections to neighboring regions and the last number is the bonus itself. Basicly i oriented myself on italy and medi map.

Additional bonuses: For controlling the islands & holy cities.


Images show the banners of the dynasties of that time: umayyad, idrisid, aghlabid, samanid, buyhid, tulunid, rustamid, franks, byzantines and khazars.

Newest 5th version:


4th version:

Spoiler (click to show)

3rd version:

Spoiler (click to show)

Second version:

Spoiler (click to show)

First version:

Spoiler (click to show)

ps: maybe scandi and western slavs look to green, maybe more pale??

ps: maybe remove saraichik and reduce the bonus to 1? sarichik sounds silly and 2 for 4 ters in a secluded region is too much.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima wrote:
Spoiler (click to show)

Mini map is supposed to look loke this later, just the info on additional bonuses is missing.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Rockbert wrote:
I like both, but I think I like the Empire of the Mediterranean a bit more. Nice work!
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
lubi40 wrote:
Old maps are history, so I agree to show them, a bit of geography is important, I prefer the first version. To be tested before making it official.
Hoodlum wrote:
scandinavia in the first one looks great. i especially was drawn to the clean lines. as i veer down the map, it seems like there isn't any difference between border lines and territory lines, and i think that's what the map needs visually. especially as we get to africa, where the greens are very similar and may need the line size distinction. i do like the green variants blending down there tho and would try and keep that, and also all the background images representing individual areas. themes cool. maybe at some point experiment with the ocean a bit.
layout is good. title/minimap gameplay area. vg start
Hoodlum is online.
Dima wrote:
And you dont think scandinavia is too bright on the First Version?
In the second Version i Made it more pepermint so that it fits to the Region with Tripoli inside (the aghlabid dynasty), so that they "frame" the map through similar colors, one frames from above and the other from below.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Hoodlum wrote:
nope i didn't think it was too bright. i think the first version works well with the background (trees) texture, and if i take another look, i think it looks balanced from top to bottom, while i think the second version actually looks brighter and makes it stick out more which i don't think it needs to, since it's not a play area.
Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Strange way to describe the bonus parameters, most of us counts 'all territories' and 'bordering territories', instead Dima counts the 'non-borderings'.
I assume territory labelled in black are non-playing area, if so then Saraichick is internal = non-bordering. The region 4-1 2 (not 4-0 2).
Paris looks a bit misplaced. Which are the "5 Holy Cities" please? Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca and... ?

EDIT: I forgot to mention @Dima you have the option to make it 1365 pixel wide (instead of 1024) if you need more room for circles.
So far we have got only one map like that, which is Europe1814 advanced.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
Alright, i read the feedback and gonna implement that.
Bishop: well, additionally i mean medina and constantinople. back at that time constantinople was the center of orthodoxy and the seat of orthodox patriarch and along with medina somehow holy. also orthodoxy needed a representation after catholicism and islam got some.
Regarding saraichik: well, i deleted this territory. now eastern khazaria has 3 ters and no internals and gets a bonus of one.

Have it to be exactly 1365 or smwhere inbetween 1024 and 1365? and what about hight/lengt?
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
it's should be 1365 because it's 4/3rd of 1024 (to be punctillious 1365.333..), so when one visualizes the map in small size it will be back to a 1024 pixels map but with the circles being smaller. 1366 is also fine.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
so when i make it 1365 the map will become stretched, but when the map is uploaded, the "stretched" effect goes away, righ? thats whats worrying me, i dont want it to becone too stretched.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
No no, the effect doesn't go away automatically. One has to activate the small sidebar on the top right, then select "Smaller".
When you select "Smaller" the map will be reduced 75% in size, and the circles also will become smaller.
The map height also changes in proportion.

I noticed you mentioned somewhere that you like the ITALY map, well i always play Italy in smaller view, I find it more practice, because it's too tall.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
In other words 1024 is our standard width for the maps, and it is always the most practice choice. However we have got a second standard (so-called High Definition) which is 1365 or 1366 pixels wide. Something between 1024 and 1365? Yes, you can do it, but it is not recommended.
HD maps might visualize weirdly in some browsers, check this game as an example:
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
So basicly i will need to increase the map width by 341 pixels. Can i then increase its lenght/hight by the same amount of pixels to keep the current proportions? So basicly it will become 1365*1139 (798+341). Or can i increase only width up to 1365, but have to keep the lenght/hight as it is?
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"