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- Posted: 2 weeks ago
- Modified: 2 days ago
Post #1
here you can see my latest map.
Idea behind the map was connecting two circles, the medi amd black seas. A circle shaped map itself is very interesting, but two circles at once are even more so.
There was also a desire to have a map of muslim empires & we have an unfinished holy roman empire map somewhere. So this map combines these two topics. It is also a historical map, covering the most important powers in that area of that time.
I know we have two medi maps and one black see, but this is a different time period.
Territories: The size will be changed a bit, once the map is ready for circles to be put in. At the beginning i made sure, that the territories are big enough, but later forgot it.
Size : 147 ters and 24 reg.
Bonuses: I have added a formula of how i calculated the bonus in the mini map. It serves to make it easier for you to control whether the bonuses are done okay & it goes like this: First number shows the ter's to defend, second number shows interior ters without connections to neighboring regions and the last number is the bonus itself. Basicly i oriented myself on italy and medi map.
Additional bonuses: For controlling the islands & holy cities.
Sources: https://imgur.com/a/8dGX2KG
Images show the banners of the dynasties of that time: umayyad, idrisid, aghlabid, samanid, buyhid, tulunid, rustamid, franks, byzantines and khazars.
Newest 5th version:
4th version:
3rd version:
Second version:
First version:
ps: maybe scandi and western slavs look to green, maybe more pale??
ps: maybe remove saraichik and reduce the bonus to 1? sarichik sounds silly and 2 for 4 ters in a secluded region is too much.
here you can see my latest map.
Idea behind the map was connecting two circles, the medi amd black seas. A circle shaped map itself is very interesting, but two circles at once are even more so.
There was also a desire to have a map of muslim empires & we have an unfinished holy roman empire map somewhere. So this map combines these two topics. It is also a historical map, covering the most important powers in that area of that time.
I know we have two medi maps and one black see, but this is a different time period.
Territories: The size will be changed a bit, once the map is ready for circles to be put in. At the beginning i made sure, that the territories are big enough, but later forgot it.
Size : 147 ters and 24 reg.
Bonuses: I have added a formula of how i calculated the bonus in the mini map. It serves to make it easier for you to control whether the bonuses are done okay & it goes like this: First number shows the ter's to defend, second number shows interior ters without connections to neighboring regions and the last number is the bonus itself. Basicly i oriented myself on italy and medi map.
Additional bonuses: For controlling the islands & holy cities.
Sources: https://imgur.com/a/8dGX2KG
Images show the banners of the dynasties of that time: umayyad, idrisid, aghlabid, samanid, buyhid, tulunid, rustamid, franks, byzantines and khazars.
Newest 5th version:
4th version:
Spoiler (click to show)
3rd version:
Spoiler (click to show)
Second version:
Spoiler (click to show)
First version:
Spoiler (click to show)
ps: maybe scandi and western slavs look to green, maybe more pale??
ps: maybe remove saraichik and reduce the bonus to 1? sarichik sounds silly and 2 for 4 ters in a secluded region is too much.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"