Individual Player Tournament
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killrick wrote:
so what happened to this tourney?
are we just doing 1 round every fall until its over in 2029?
is ely sitting in a pub somewhere spending all the tokens he collected ?
updates are important !
elysium5 wrote:
This tournament will be resuming soon. I was waiting for some of the bugs to be worked out in the transition as well as some other internal issues that needed to be resolved with a couple of players from the tournaments I am running. I wanted to make sure it remained fair for all who are participating and while I know it has been delayed for a bit, I thank you for your patience.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.
killrick wrote:
dont hold your breath on this one started in the fall of 2015 and has only seen 1 round
we patiently await the next round and hopfully all of the remaining players are still breathing, but if one of us croaks you can have there spot in the tourney when it resumes{probably sometime in the near future}
it was in this tourney that i won for the last time so i really hope it starts soon .mabee this epic loosing streak will end
Axobongo wrote:
you can sign me up if you want , ely, because you know my reputation points would be perfect 100s had you not took 13 in a burst of anger ... has the anger subsided? Can we be on friendly terms again yet?
Axobongo is online.
killrick wrote:
well, fall is creeping up again  mabee we can start round 2 soon mabee get this tourney finished bym 2020
elysium5 wrote:
Both the spring and fall tournaments got a little messed up because of the site changeover. I couldn't access the game logs to determine the place players finished as well as some players went awol and the was a couple issues with banned players. When I sort it all out, I will send out PM's to the players still qualifying. I just need to coordinate everyone who is still involved and make sure the points aren't skewed because of a couple of issues. When I kick start it back up, I will speed up the format and I might even through in some bonus prizes for the overall winners;)

And Axo, your reputation points would be perfect if you had a perfect reputation. Just sayin'...
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.
elysium5 wrote:
I have been trying very hard to find a way to restart the Fall League Tournament 2015 and The Spring League Tournament 2015 in a fair manner but there are simply too many factors involved to do so fairly based on things like statistics that are unavailable in order to update the individual points rankings because of the necessary site update and the inability to access previous game logs, inactive or banned players, and also because I simply did not set up these tournaments and the parameters in such a way that they would be able to be played in a fair and timely manner. I apologize for that and to the players who were involved, I will be manually adding 1000 tokens to all participants accounts who still have an account on the site as compensation. I will be organizing tournaments again in the near future that are set up better and that are able to be played in a much better format with some very good prizes. Thank you for your patience and I hope many players will want to and be able to enter, enjoy and benefit from any future tournaments.

This thread is now locked as it is no longer relevant. If you have any questions or concerns about it, just send me a PM. Again, apologies and I hope to see you soon in some really good future tournaments. Thank you.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.