hard setings fog and adjacent
  • 42 posts
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Crywolf wrote:
one person was unactive in the last few tournaments, didn't think it made a big impact on the others
you are the host, up to you
New Mafia game coming
Hoodlum wrote:
best to find a replacement. they will likely miss a lot of turns and their attendance score will prevent them from joining other multiplayer games
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Ok thats it here we go 100.000 token prize and now i start uploading games
i apologize to otter if shows up but due to her inactivity we take substitution and start tournament
good luck to everyone !!!
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
tomorow i will add 8 p games ..i tryed to make colors for some people
hood is i know black maafi is blue or cyian rock is red im purple bambolea is pink etc,,, if someone has some to say im here
tomorow i add rest of 8 p games
Gl and have fun !
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Ok now all games going ,i was problem in two games and thanks to rockbert he not make any turn so its fixed without any damage