• 91 posts
  • Page 4 of 7
KoE_Doja wrote:
Hey hoodie please take me out of this tourney , I am leaving Sunday on a seven day cruise with limited internet...….good luck
Hoodlum wrote:
Map Masters - Large Maps (8 players)
Victron 4 x 4 games
Tamriel 4 x 4 games
North America 4 x 4 games
Med States 4 x 4 games
Iberia 4 x 4 games
Gold Coast 4 x 4 games
Total of 24 games. You will play them all at once
All 8 player games. Each map is ascending cards / unlimited fortification / advanced cards all of the modes. DM/CAPS/DOM/ASSASSINATION

all players randomized. The tournament will start with either 8/16/24/32/40 players - depending on interest

1. @Hoodlum
2. @simomosi (auto)
3. @checkmate
4. @vorple (auto)
5. @Machine55 (auto)
6. @elysium5
7. @ProblemChild96
9. @Valhalla
10. @vodkamikebid
11. @Whisp
12. @Virtuosity98
13. @Texx
14. @Davor
15. @Tennesseelogman
16. @nickdabubble
17. @dough_boy
18. @GeneralHalsey
19. @roy12345
20. @GM_Archiee
21. @mxDev
22. @Monte485
23. @andymech
24. @catpere

Hoodlum wrote:
this has started. it takes a while to enter all the names but i'll get them done within the next few days and some maps will start sooner than others. good luck!
Hoodlum wrote:
Map Masters (Very Large Maps) results.

1st place Virtuosity98 awarded 7500 token prize. Well done.

2nd place Jimi
3rd place tie roy12345 & GM_Archiee

rest of the placings here.
Hoodlum wrote:
Lets do it again Sign ups

Map Masters - Very Large Maps
Tournament prize = 7500 tokens donated *Hoodlum 5000 (donations accepted) *Jimi *2500
World Expanded x 4 games
World Inverted x 4 games
Italia x 4 games
Texas x 4 games
New York City x 4 games
Baltic Sea x 4 games
Westeros x 4 games
Atlantis x 4 games
Africa x 4 games
World Double x 4 games

Total of 40 games. You will play them all at once
All 9 player games - Each map be ascending cards / unlimited fortification / advanced cards
of all the modes. DM / CAPS / DOM / ASSASSIN

Tournament Winner is based on the Tournament page points. Most wins. Groups of players are randomized

1. @Hoodlum
2. @simomosi (auto)
3. @KoE_Doja (auto)
4. @vorple (auto)
5. @ProblemChild96
6. @Machine55 (auto)
7. @Davor (auto)
8. @ProblemChild96
9. @nickdabubble
10. @vodkamikebid
11. @Valhalla
12. @Tennesseelogman
13. @andymech
14. @roy12345
15. @Jimi (donated 2500)
16. @@
17. @@
18. @@
19 @@
20 @@
21 @@
22 @@
23 @@
24 @r
25 @@
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27 @@
andymech wrote:
count me in please and many thanks for organising all these tournaments I cannot imagine the amount of time it takes