New map by Clarke
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Clarke wrote:
Okay found a map on D-maps for Puerto Rico. I used the borders for the actual municipalities as much as possible. I also put in the rivers as close to actual as possible. I had to move some borders and rivers a little for gameplay sake.

This map is ROUGH draft. Just wanted to see if there is any interest. On each region it says "# db #". db stands for "defended by". So 10 db 2 means the region has to total territories but you can defend the 10 with only 2 territories once you conquer it.

So what are your thoughts about the concept?

Do NOT comment about colors, hard to see the lines, pixelated... etc since this is a 1st showing to discuss gameplay and ideas for moving forward.
lifeinpixels wrote:
Two thoughts.

1. The gameplay will be congested, like Westeros or that Melee map Aeronautic is working on. Also seems pretty boring... nothing to set it apart from our other maps. Now, these can be fixed to a degree, but it's probably not something that I would play more than a couple times.

2. I love how you are working hard to add great content to this site (and I'm sure everyone else does too), however, I think that more than one map at a time is too many. Even the best mapmakers here only focus on one at a time because it is better to have one great product than two decent products. And if you wait until they are both great, well, you'll probably end up confused a lot and we'll have to wait twice as long for them to be finished. So I suggest that you stick to Hawaii for now, which is making good progress, and then maybe revisit this idea afterwards.
Clarke wrote:
I get it. But I get inspired and just have to do a little to fuel my fire.

I did submit a new Hawaii tonight. Go check it out...
Vexer wrote:
The game play looks just as bad as most of the other map ideas we've been seeing. Please someone make a map with defensible regions.
Clarke wrote:
Vexer, I am not sure what you mean? The "db" on the map shows you how many of the territories it takes to defense a region. So 10 db 2 means a region of 10 territories can be defended by only 2 territories. Perhaps you didnt notice the rivers who provide impassables???

Future versions will be easier to see.

Still working on Hawaii now, someday will get back to this!

The_Bishop wrote:
Yes, rivers are almost invisible. The gameplay looks a bit congested, that's true. I mean practically there are a lot of Australian regions or super regions or great areas of the map that you can lock inside 1 or 2 territories and no connectivity from West to East. I don't know what the result can be as gameplay but it dosn't look so good for me.

Plus I don't think that there are such great rivers in Puerto Rico! I mean in the other maps impassable rivers are Mississippi river, Congo river, Amazon river... But those are just brooks. I don't know why but I feel like it would be better a smaller map for Puerto Rico.

By the way I am glad you also followed my suggestion about 81 territories but really also 56 was very interesting for its divisibility. I suggest you to first finish one then start one other. Initially I criticized a bit the Hawaian double but finally I accepted it gladly. So why don't you finish it now?

Apart from that Puerto Rico has the value of being narrow from North to South that is suitable to avoid the scroll.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Vexer wrote:
oh, yeah I didn't see the rivers at all. I didn't look careful enough. Sorry.
Fendi wrote:
I don't really think this is a good choice for a risk map. It feels like a big lump of land, that alone won't make a good map because the player will only be focused on the map itself and not the actual game, I know I would.
I also don't see how this can become a beautiful map, the rivers would have to be wider but not too wide, you'd have to add the right texture and make it visible just enough so that it doesn't make the land look too "busy".

Sorry for being so mean but that it how I feel, I wouldn't continue working on this map if I were you..
Clarke wrote:
Understood. This was back burnered anyway. I am going to finish Hawaii, then I have a Pennsylvania map I am going to work on.

Thanks for your candor.
naathim wrote:
Ports would fix the East to West congestion issue. But ports can be icky :P

I like basic maps, don't have to get crazy to have good gameplay on them.